Embracing “Vacation Mode”: A Gateway to Practical Creativity

April 4, 2024

by Ravi Raman

Last week, I pressed pause on my usual routines – no ​Thoughtful Thursday​ (did you miss me?) – as I was basking in the sun-drenched beaches of Florida! 🌞 🏖️

It was a week dedicated to family, relaxation, ice cream, and – as I discovered upon returning home to Minnesota – finding sand in the most unexpected places. A high-quality problem to have, I know!

I wholeheartedly embraced this real break from daily life, setting my work email to “out of office” and keeping my laptop firmly stowed in carry-on luggage for the entire week. My smartphone, too, found a simpler purpose: playing music (especially Taylor Swift and the soundtrack to Disney’s “Moana”) and entertaining my 5-year-old with the occasional cartoon. 

Unexpected Inspiration

This intentional disconnect from work and routine created an unexpected but welcome space for inspiration: a flurry of helpful thoughts. Ideas related to my business approaches to tackling my coaching clients’ challenges, and visions for future family adventures emerged in my mind. These weren’t just fleeting thoughts; they brought with them the drive to materialize them into actions.

What struck me most upon reflection wasn’t just the spontaneous emergence of these ideas but the recognition of the minimal effort it took for them to surface. How did this happen? I am not so sure.

However, two things that I do know were contributing factors:

1) I created space for these insights to blossom.

2) I was present enough to pay attention to the insights as they arose. 

Beyond the Beach

My flight back home was contemplative (as much as it can be while traveling with very young kids!), with thoughts not just on the nice feeling of “Vacation Mode” but on its broader implications. 

It underscored a profound yet simple realization: the essence of a “Vacation Mode” state of mind isn’t contingent on physical location or weeks of leisure time. It’s an internal state, a mindset that can and does emerge irrespective of one’s surroundings. 

This lightness of being, this unforced flow of ideas, emerges from within, shaped more by internal peace than external circumstances. This is great news, as I can’t be on an actual beach vacation forever, and even if I could, I wouldn’t enjoy the sunburn! 😊 

This insight opens up a new avenue of exploration for me—and I invite you to join me on this journey. 

Go Deeper

Can you integrate “Vacation Mode” into your daily life, even amidst the chaos of your circumstances? Can you pay attention to the creative insights that emerge from a less reactive (and more relaxed) state of mind?

I’m eager to delve deeper into this concept over the coming months and would love to hear about your experiences. Have you discovered your version of “Vacation Mode” amid a hectic day or week? How has it been helpful?

If so, leave a comment below!


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